
bfieldtools is a pure Python package, and depends on several other Python packages. bfieldtools requires Python version 3.6 or higher.

Using pip

bfieldtools can most easily be installed using the pip package manager.

pip install bfieldtools

A note on Python environments and dependencies

bfieldtools requires some dependencies to work. The most demanding dependency is mayavi, which is used for 3D plots. Mayavi, which in turn relies on vtk, can be a hassle to install on some platforms. One of the best ways to getn bfieldtools fully working is to use the Anaconda or Miniconda Python distributions. You can then run

conda install mayavi

to install mayavi, after which you can install bfieldtools using pip as seen above. bfieldtools itself is unfortunately not installable through conda since some other dependencies are pip-only.

From source

To install the development version of bfieldtools, run


After downloading and unzipping the archive, basic setuptools workflow applies.

cd bfieldtools/
python install

Additional solvers

The stream function optimization functionality of bfieldtools relies on external numerical solvers, for which the installation procedures may vary. For more details, see the documentation of CVXPY. OSQP, CVXOPT, SCS and ECOS are installed with bfieldtools and are also available through conda and pip. MOSEK is (optional solver dependency, recommended) robust and fast, but commercial (requires license). Installable via pip or conda.