
bfieldtools.integrals.triangle_potential_approx(Rcenters, ta, reg=1e-12)

1/r potential of a uniform triangle using centroid approximation

Calculates 1/R potentials for triangle centroids (The singularity at the centroid is handled with the very small reg value, but anyway the values close to the centroid are inexact)

Rcenters(N, (Ntri), 3) array

Displacement vectors (Neval, Ntri, xyz) from triangle centers

ta(Ntri) array

Triangle areas

reg: float

Regularization value used in approximation

result: result: ndarray (…., Ntri, Ntri_verts)

Resultant 1/r potential for each node (Ntri_verts) in each triangle (Ntri) in the displacement vectors R