
class bfieldtools.line_conductor.LineConductor(loops=None, mesh=None, scalars=None, **kwargs)

Class that inherits Trimesh.path.Path3D for handling discretized current loops. Functions inside assume that vertices are unique for each entity.

Init with inheritance. First priority is given to passed loops parameter, if not present will compute loops from mesh and scalars.

loops: list of array-like (x, 3)

Each list element corresponds to a Polyline (current loop), with the last element being connected to the first

mesh: Trimesh mesh object

mesh geometry

scalars: array-like or StreamFunction

scalar function defined in the vertices of the mesh

kwargs: dict

passed to scalar_contour if called. Relevant kw:s are N_contours and contours

simplify(self, min_edge=0.001, angle_threshold=0.02, smooth=True)

Simplifies contour paths.

c: array-like

List of polygons describing closed loops.

min_edge: float

Minimum edge length. Edges shorter than this are merged.

angle_threshold: float

Minimum angle. Edges with smaller angle differences are merged.

smooth: bool

If True, apply smoothing to the polygon shapes.

simplified_linepath: LineConductor
plot_loops(self, **kwargs)

Plots loops in 3D using mayavi, see viz.plot_3d_current_loops for more details

colors: str
magnetic_field(self, points, separate_loops=False)

Compute magnetic field in some point due to a unit current in the loops

points: array (N_p, 3)
separate_loops: Boolean

If True, don’t combine contributions of separate loops

Bfield: array (N_p, 3) or array (N_loops, N_p, 3)
vector_potential(self, points, separate_loops=False, **kwargs)

Compute magnetic vector potential in some point due to a unit current in the loops

points: array (N_p, 3)
separate_loops: Boolean

If True, don’t combine contributions of separate loops

Aield: array (N_p, 3) or array (N_loops, N_p, 3)
scalar_potential(self, points, separate_loops=False, **kwargs)

Compute magnetic scalar potential in some point due to a unit current in the loops

points: array (N_p, 3)
separate_loops: Boolean

If True, don’t combine contributions of separate loops

Ufield: array (N_p,) or array (N_loops, N_p)
line_mutual_inductance(self, path, separate_loops=False, **kwargs)

Calculate mutual inductance between self and another line current (path)

pathPath3d or LineConductor object

The other line conductor

separate_loopsTYPE, optional

If True, return the inductance separately for each loop. The default is False.

M: array

If separate loops, shape (N_loops, N_loops_path). Otherwise (N_loops_path,). where N_loops_path = len(path.entities)

mesh_mutual_inductance(self, mesh, separate_loops=False, **kwargs)

Computes the mutual inductance between the polyline loops and a mesh_conductor mesh.

meshTrimesh mesh object

Mesh with N_verts vertices.

separate_loopsBoolean, optional

If True, return the inductance separately for each loop. The default is False.


Passed to mesh_impedance.mesh2line_mutual_inductance

M: array

If separate loops, shape (N_loops, N_verts). Otherwise (N_verts,).